Chesterton Fences and Effective Altruism's X-risks People have cancer or heart disease, institutions have sex or corruption scandals.
Loud & Wrong Bourdain Statements: saying a false thing loudly to provoke other people to correct you.
On the Beating of Children and Other Apparently Fine Things Being a kid is just like having a regular 9-to-5 job, but you also may get your ass kicked.
In Praise of Jock Values In high school there are jocks and nerds, and if you're reading this I'm going to assume you were the latter.
One of the Biggest Stories of the Century Happened, We Just Don’t Know Which There's only 3 possibilities, and all of them are bananas.
Book Review: Yąnomamö: The Fierce People Napoleon Chagnon's book was so poorly received that he was accused of committing genocide via measles. Needless to say, I was intrigued.