Pushing Bundles Of Thoughts Out Your Mouth On some level, the entire problem of communication is the difficulty of pushing complex bundles of inter-related thoughts through your mouth.
University as a Service American Universities sell an ongoing service that alumni receive for the rest of their lives, co-creating the good with other people who've paid a costly signal of their commitment to it.
The Longer It Takes, The Longer-Longer It Takes So many things takes longer than they should, but longer-taking things take longer-longer
Believe Everything Something I heard recently is that your brain processes new information by first temporarily believing it and then, if necessary, disconfirming it. So if you're told something false, you'll very briefly believe it – try it on for size, I guess -- before tagging it as inconsistent
Psychological Debt In coding there's an idea called "technical debt." The same exists for psychology -- spend now, pay later....
Happiness Is Two Scales The common way to talk about happiness is as a single scale: unhappy at one end, neutral in the middle, happy at the other end. I think that model is wrong.
Personal Export Subsidies Can the secret to South Korea's economic development also help your teenager?
For And Against Pre-Scheduling Posts Pre-scheduling posts has a couple of big benefits and a couple of major costs.