The Smartest Person I used to think I was pretty smart. I have lots of friends who are just as smart as me, and many who are smarter, but always the difference was a difference of degree. Until I met the Smartest Person.
2050 Predictions: Eyes, Xi, Apps, Cars, Traits, Bounties Parents will prevent nearsightedness, and other things you can look forward to 28 years from now.
Book Recap: Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves To Death "Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us; Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance." Television has destroyed shared context and turned everything into entertainment.
On The Unreasonable Effectiveness Of Messaging Apps In Getting Me To Do Things WhatsApp’s to-do list functionality is very janky, in that it doesn’t exist, and sending messages to someone saying “I will do X today” and then replying to those messages saying “I have done X today” is a weird and inefficient way to keep track of your activities. But it works.
Umami Exists and MSG is its Messenger For a long time, I thought MSG was a food additive more like "Red 40", that it had some obscure food-science use and junk food companies were either too lazy or callous to replace it. It turns out it's more like salt. Good luck taking that out of your Cheetos.