For And Against Pre-Scheduling Posts Pre-scheduling posts has a couple of big benefits and a couple of major costs.
If the Present is Better than the Past, Bias Towards Action If the mean human action has been positive, the base rate is a positive expected value.
The Theory of Displacement Value What do homeopathy, Tourette's-like tics and traditional religion have in common? They have displacement value.
Pareto Chinese: Say Xi's You should probably forget about learning Chinese meaningfully. So how does one learn Chinese meaninglessly? I’m so glad you asked.
You Think You’re The Addict, But You’re Really The Dealer On social media, even if you're not dealing the crack, you are filling out the customer satisfaction surveys.
The Smartest Person I used to think I was pretty smart. I have lots of friends who are just as smart as me, and many who are smarter, but always the difference was a difference of degree. Until I met the Smartest Person.
2050 Predictions: Eyes, Xi, Apps, Cars, Traits, Bounties Parents will prevent nearsightedness, and other things you can look forward to 28 years from now.