Developing An Intuition For Georgism WIRED published our weird ramblings on Land; here's the even weirder ramblings.
On the Beating of Children and Other Apparently Fine Things Being a kid is just like having a regular 9-to-5 job, but you also may get your ass kicked.
Rags-to-Riches of the Century: Francis Ngannou He nearly bled to death in the desert and crossed the Mediterranean on a pool toy. It'd be movie-worthy if he became an accountant in Cleveland, but instead, he became World Champion.
When Bits Split Atoms Artificial Intelligence and that time the US Secretary of Defense thought we were all going to die.
Pareto Chinese: Say Xi's You should probably forget about learning Chinese meaningfully. So how does one learn Chinese meaninglessly? I’m so glad you asked.
2050 Predictions: Eyes, Xi, Apps, Cars, Traits, Bounties Parents will prevent nearsightedness, and other things you can look forward to 28 years from now.